This blog serves to document what has, is, and will happen to the United States of America following the election of Donald Trump as President, and his inauguration on January 20th, 2025. The current administration and their allies will seek to gaslight, memory-hole, and otherwise try to convince ordinary Americans that the things they have seen, heard, and experienced are not what has really occurred. The purpose, therefore, is twofold:
- To ensure that there is a record of what has happened, in case things turn to dark paths that future readers will want a first hand account of, and
- To ensure that I myself do not forget, nor are gaslit into believing my own memory is faulty.
I am a resident of Los Angeles, California. Over the years I have been a lot of things, but among one of them – and one that gave me a lot of joy, until the bottom dropped out of the field – was being a journalist.
This is not an objective blog, however. I am not reporting for the public, nor am I tied to a publication for print. This is for me, and hopefully for you as well, in the fashion of a subjective experience by someone living through times that no one ever really wants to see happen. But here we are, so I’m writing about it as best I know how.
What I can promise, however, is that I will rigorously fact check to the best of my ability. I will not post rumors, only confirmed things with multiple reliable sources, or things I have personally experienced. Where possible, I will provide photographic proof or screenshots to corroborate what I have witnessed and experienced. I will also be clear to delineate the difference between raw events and my opinions of those events. Where possible, I will do this with separate posts to ensure there is no bleed between the two.
I have elected to keep this blog on an independent hosting site, whose owners are independent and have a history of going to court rather than complying with government overreach. That is because I do not trust any major corporate sites not to manipulate or hide facts they find inconvenient to their bottom line. Above all, it means that I can retain a backup of all text and images here, unaffected by the whims or caprice of corporate influence.
You will note there are no comments on available here. I do not have the energy, time, or inclination to police the cesspool comment sections inevitably devolve into.