Weekend Roundup: Incompetence and Idiocy

My weekend’s been busy, so it’s time for a weekend roundup of all of the dumb stuff that happened while I was busy with my day job and with other things over the weekend. Nothing major that isn’t a continuation of earlier bullshit, but oh what a fucking continuation it’s been.

Nuclear Security No More

One of Musk’s DOGE cadre of hatchetmen – or maybe hatchetchildren – has been feeding names and positions into their AI black box to figure out who to fire. This has been going on since they started, but it’s blatantly obvious that they don’t know what they’re doing, because they keep firing people you really don’t want to fire if you’re interested in national security.

One of the most recent firings has been the staff of the National Nuclear Security Administration, which is a rather important department. It was founded in 1999 after the Wen Ho Lee spying scandal. The NNSA maintains security over the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, as well as providing the US Navy with nuclear propulsion, and also responds to nuclear and radiological emergencies in the United States and abroad.

They fired all but around 50 people from the agency, cutting around 300 jobs, because the responsible individual just didn’t know what the agency did. And now they’re scrambling to re-hire these former employees, but they can’t, because they don’t know how to contact most of them.

The individual responsible is reported to be Luke Farritor, a 23 year old also responsible for a lot of the AI-powered job cuts in the federal government.

Who Needs Air Safety?

Next up on the federal job chopping block is the FAA. Around 400 workers were fired over the weekend from across the FAA – air traffic controllers, maintenance technicians, policy setters, et cetera. Sean Duffy, the Secretary of Secretary of Transportation, has provided DOGE “special access” to the FAA and its systems in order to upgrade the system.

It’s worth noting that the FAA has been complaining about being understaffed for at least a decade, and they’re already overworked. Firing 400 people is manifestly a bad idea for air safety, given this fact. Part of the idiocy of these firings is that they just shoved “probationary” members into the woodchipper, assuming these were new hires. In many cases, they were not – they were people like a 26 year veteran radar maintenance technician, whose current promotion was probationary, despite his long history of service. But they’re too stupid to realize that, so tons of institutional knowledge have been lost. I’m sure they want to replace a lot of the ATC staff with AI, which will only result in more air accidents.

Now, another point I want to make is that so far, of the air accidents this year, none of them are due to Trump’s administration. Why? Because he’d made no changes at the time of the accidents, or the changes he made would not have affected the outcome. For instance, the Delta flight that rolled over in Toronto is the result of Canadian ATC, and the pilot likely overestimating their abilities to land. The Blackhawk impact in DC was the result of pilot error by the Blackhawk crew. Some of these are due to understaffing at the FAA but that’s a longer running problem than just Trump.

That said, these firings will only result in more accidents and less safe air travel, which is a hell of a thing for the safest national airspace in the world, by number of travelers.

Texas Loves Disease

Measles is running rampant in parts of Texas, because vaccinations are a conspiracy against health.


Elon Musk Threatens to Imprison 60 Minutes

The thin-skinned emperor has suggested the staff of 60 Minutes be imprisoned for their interview with Kamala Harris. For editing a TV program. Because it’s ‘election interference’. He argues it was deceptive editing, but they released the full transcript, showing nothing untoward and totally normal.

Meanwhile, of course, his electoral activities are totally normal and above reproach.

What a whiny bitch of a Nazi.

DOGE In the IRS, and Their Idiotic Website

There’s no reason for DOGE to have access to tax filings by normal citizens, yet they’re looking for access to all that data to train their AI systems. Or maybe to blackmail ordinary people and frighten them into subervience. Or maybe just mundane surveillance. While they’re claiming it’s about finding waste in how tax dollars are spent, there’s no way they can find that by looking at our personal tax filings. Like always, they’re lying.

These people couldn’t find fraud if it ran up and said “Hey, wanna join a Ponzi scheme?” They published a website with such poor security anyone over the internet could push updates to it. And they expect us to believe they’re capable of securing our data? Give me a fucking break. They have no idea how these systems work, and really don’t have any desire to, either, because the goal is to break government, not improve it.

In response to the mass pushback by citizens against DOGE and their grasping little minions, the White House has announced Elon Musk has no official position and is not a government employee. He’s just a personal advisor, or something. Again, give me a break. DOGE is taking their marching orders from him, he’s giving press conferences in the Oval Office, he’s making threats to government bureaus and announcing what DOGE is doing. This is the kind of bullshit gaslighting that I made this blog to remember, and to be able to show people when they vomit the party line back at us later.

So if he’s not a government employee and he has access to our data – which he most certainly does – time to haul his ass off to ADX Florence for the foreseeable future. Of course, that won’t happen, but it should.

Protecting the Sex Trafficking Influencers

In the latest bullshit loyalty move by the current administration, it seems that Trump’s White House has decided Andrew and Tristan Tate should be allowed out of Romania while their criminal trials and proceedings are ongoing. Which of course means they’d go free because they’d run and never return. The Tates were arrested on charges of sex trafficking, kidnapping, rape (including of minors). They, of course, say that they were arrested because they’re against ‘woke’ politics. Ahh yes, Romania, famous bastion of woke politics.

If Romania caves to this, it will be an incredible stain on them. Keep those shits in prison.

File Under “Not Knowing How Things Work” – 150 Year old SSA recipients

The last big update is the ostensible fraud in the Social Security Administration, namely that Social Security is being paid to 150 year old recipients. This is a prime case of not knowing how things work: the engineering ‘geniuses’ in DOGE don’t have any clue how COBOL works, and are so confident in what they expect to find they never questioned if their methods were faulty. Several retired COBOL engineers have gone on record to correct their assumptions.

The whole issue stems from COBOL not having a date type, so it’s all in reference to 1875 due to an agreement upon creation of the system. So certain birthdays wrap around, showing 150 years of age, because it’s a quirk of the programming language.

When you don’t know how anything works, everything is a conspiracy.

Weekly Roundup, February 7

Playing Catch Up

I was too ill to post effectively last week, and this week I’ve been too busy. So consider this weekly catch up for the past two weeks for what I think are the most important things that have happened, as well as the most important things not to forget. The Bannon idea of “flood the zone” with actions is definitely underway, with Trump issuing EO after EO, and Musk directing his minions to do all kinds of things, so it’s been tough to keep up.

In light of that, I think it’s important not to focus on every little thing that happens. Yes, they matter. Yes, many of them are reprehensible. However, trying to keep up with every rant or mad idea is frankly untenable in light of their sheer volume. So instead, let’s talk about the more salient points from one specific perspective: to whit, Trump is not a distraction, but he is not the only player in the room. He was supported by groups such as the Heritage Foundation, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Andreessen Horowitz, and others. All part of either Project 2025, or the so-called ‘dark enlightenment’ movement espoused by Curtis Yarvin, or both.

Trump may sit behind the Resolute Desk, but given his absolutely illiterate nature, utter inexperience with legal matters other than lawsuits, and utter disregard for anything longer than a TV snippet, it seems obvious that many of the people around him are drafting the EOs and policies he is pushing. To whit, he cares about money, his image, and revenge. Probably in that order, but not always.

DOGE and its Employees

Elon Musk’s DOGE and his cadre of youths have been running roughshod over a vast swath of federal departments and institutions since just after the inauguration. Their actions have amounted to the largest breach of digital security in the history of anything computational, and by a wide margin as well. This is because these systems are designed to be secure and isolated, yet he’s had his team start connecting external and unvetted machines to them. They have data tunnels to outside systems, and have been both hoovering up the personal data of millions of Americans, and mucking about in production code directly without testing the code.

Aside from the central leadership, their boots on the ground are basically children. This team is largely between the ages of 19-25 years of age, and none of them have more than a cursory understanding of security, software, or government. Many are fresh out of high school, or only finished 1-2 years of college before being hired by either SpaceX, Tesla, or an allied venture capital firm.

There’s been no vetting of them other than Musk’s “trust me, bro”. Prior to DOGE, some had been working with Russia, soliciting illegal cyberattacks, espousing the need for eugenics and the destruction of non-white races. After resigning for making these statements, the last one was re-hired following the enthusiastic endorsement of both Trump and JD Vance. That was yesterday, I guess.

Vance and several others have said statements made on social media in earlier times shouldn’t ruin somebody’s life or prevent them from having a good career. Putting aside the fact that they would like to do exactly that to anyone who opposes them, Marko Elez made his eugenics statements in September 2024. So I guess we all have to have memories of goldfish now.

So which departments have the Muskenjugend hit so far, and what have they done?

  • The United States Agency for International Development
    • USAID is instrumental in promoting democracy around the world. It was created to counteract Soviet influence in 1961, but was instrumental in ending Apartheid in South Africa. This may explain some of Musk’s animus toward it, and it was likely a convenient test target because very few people inside the United States had heard of it.
    • Lawsuits over this are currently flying left and right, and are ongoing, after staffers were locked out without warning.
  • Office of Personnel Management
    • With access to OPM, DOGE gained access to records relating to other agencies’ activities, and who was involved in things they can target in their DEI witch hunt. This has allowed them to search for ‘disloyalty.’
    • Totally taken over, lawsuits incoming,
  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    • It’s long been a desire for the people behind Project 2025 to destroy the NOAA so that weather information can be privatized and sold via outlets like The Weather Channel.
    • The NOAA is also embarrassing to them because it keeps finding evidence of climate change, which they insist is not real.
    • Not sure what the current state of NOAA is right now.
  • Health and Human Services
    • HHS oversees the National Institute of Health and the Center for Disease Control. Both of these angered Trump during the COVID pandemic, so he’s happy to see them gone.
    • Musk and the 2025 crew want their activities privatized so that we have to pay more for basic health research and they can make money off of it. This also shunts their public institution grant money into coffers they feel are better used by private research.
    • Destroying these also hurts trans people. As usual, the cruelty is the point – or part of the point.
    • Lawsuits incoming.
  • Treasury
    • The goal was to gain the levers of payment for everything the government does. The Secretary of the Treasury said DOGE had merely read-only access to it; this turned out to be a lie, they were writing code to the servers. Or attempting to.
    • There’s a current legal injunction against DOGE from doing anything on the Treasury servers, and ordered the deletion of data they’ve hoovered. We shall see if they obey the order. But it does seem they are currently locked out for the time being.
  • Department of Labor
    • Blocked from their takeover by unions, for now.
  • Department of Education
    • “No such government department exists” tweeted Musk on Friday.
    • Dissolving the Department of Education has been a goal for a long time, for 2025. More money for private religious schools in conservative states, less money for public education, less oversight over curriculum.
    • It also has the practical upshot of totally disrupting federal student loans, for now. They may want college to be entirely fueled by predatory loans or keep it entirely in the hands of the wealthy. A poorly educated population tends to be more in line with their desires.
  • Department of Energy
    • No clue where they’re at with the DOE yet.
  • Housing and Urban Development
    • No clue where they’re at with HUD either. Supposedly their actions won’t affect Section 8 payments, but they’re likely to impact Public Housing.
    • This falls in line with Trump and 2025ers wanting to look good for veterans, as VASH is part of Section 8.
    • Perhaps more importantly, Section 8 is already wealth transfer from Federal coffers to landlords. Many may be mom and pop type owners, but many are also large corporate owners.
    • Secretary of HUD Scott Turner, who I believe is a former football player, has announced he will no longer be enforcing HUD’s 2016 rule “Equal Access in Accordance With an Individual’s Gender Identity in Community Planning and Development Programs” due to Trump’s EOs.

There are definitely other agencies affected, but these are the ones I remember and the specific states they’re in as far as I recall. I’ll try to keep up with more of this madness as it unfolds, but life happens even when your country is tearing itself apart.

Trump’s Territorial Ambitions

Trump’s talked a lot about taking back the Panama Canal, invading Mexico, taking Greenland, owning Gaza and the West Bank, and even making Canada the 51st state. He’s said these things repeatedly, and that he’s not joking.

Do I believe him? Unequivocally yes.

Do I think he can do it? Not without kicking off World War 3. The Panama Canal is probably the safest of these, but any move against Greenland or Canada would absolutely incite war. Mexico would as well, but that would probably go to a global war slightly slower than the other two. It still would, but it wouldn’t be, to use nuclear terminology, a “prompt critical”.

Ultimately, he thinks of power as money and land ownership, because he’s a sleazy real estate developer. So seeing big colors on a big map appeals to his “I’m a big boy now!” attitude. And Gaza is it’s own morass that is just so monumentally stupid as to be nearly unbelievable, but he’s a monumentally stupid man. As one internet wit put it, “Yeah, when did anything bad ever happen after the USA tripped dick-first into the Middle East?”

Make no mistake, though: despite calling Canada the 51st state, none of these places would be states. They’d be territorial possessions, because why on earth would you annex anywhere that hates you and then give them an ounce of power?

Signing off for now. I’ll try to be better about keeping up with the day by day.